United States--part: Utah

How is the land laid out?

All of the area lies within the Western Cordillera, most of it within the Intermontane Plateaus. Northeast Utah--around the edge that makes the rectangle incomplete--is part of the Middle Rocky Mountains. There, Kings Peak in the Uinta Mountains reaches above 4100 meters. The Colorada River flows across the southeast corner of the state.

Who lives there?

This state is in the part of North America in which English-speakers and Christians are the majority.

On the edge of the Great Basin--the continent's dry area of interior drainage--is Salt Lake City, Utah's capital and the world center for the Latter Day Saints Christian religion, often called Mormons.

Who was there before?

Most of Utah spoke Paiute. Wovoka, a Paiute, founded the Ghost Dance Religion, which futilely resisted Anglo dominance and ended in its adherants' deaths at Wounded Knee, South Dakota.

English-speaking Americans conquered the area piece by piece in the 19th century.

Around the area

north and east
south of Utah

Other broad topics

United States of America
North America