
How is the land laid out?

The entire state lies within the Atlantic Coastal Plain: the northwest in the East Gulf Section; the northeast in the Sea Islands Section; and the peninsula in the Floridian Section.

Who lives there?

This state is in the part of North America in which English-speakers and Christians are the majority.

There are three large cities in Florida:

I. Orlando, Florida, one of thee cities in the Floridian Section of the Coastal Plain, was once best known as a center for orange groves but is now known for Walt Disney World and the Epcot Center.

II. Tampa, Florida, on the gulf side of the Florida Peninsula and at the head of a bay that shares the city name, shares the metropolitan area with St. Petersburg, on the Pinelas Peninsula between Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico.

III. Miami, Florida, the southernmost of the U.S.A.'s large cities, sits near the southeast end of the Florida Peninsula, east of the Everglades swamp.

Who was there before?

One Muskogean group, the Seminole, lived on the peninsula and farther north.

Timucuan, a language isolate, was also spoken in the peninsula.

The Spanish arrived in the 16th century and took over Florida. The English-speaking United States conquered it from the Spanish in order to eliminate the Seminoles from the southeast. During the 19th century slaves descended from Africans were brought to Florida by their purchasers.

north and west of the western Panhandle
north of eastern Florida
south of the end of the peninsula
west of the peninsula and south of the panhandle

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United States of America